Tag Archives: leadership

The power of a positive attitude

A positive attitude invokes a mental and emotional state characterised by optimism, enthusiasm, and a constructive outlook on life. It involves focusing on the “brighter side”, looking for solutions rather than dwelling on problems, and approaching challenges with resilience and determination. A positive attitude can have a deep impact on various aspects of life, including … Continue reading The power of a positive attitude

Giving them a reason to lead

Over the past 12 years Character Builders has been running leadership programs through incursions, excursions and retreats. During this time we have identified a number of reasons why students will, and will not step up to serve the school in a leadership capacity. As a discussion point with your students and teachers here are some … Continue reading Giving them a reason to lead

Character Builders’ Sequential Programs

Did you know that Character Builders offer specifically tailored sequential programs? We strongly believe that our messages of confidence, respect and self esteem are a crucial part of every students’ successful journey through school.  We have worked meticulously to create a series of fun, exciting, engaging and meaningful programs that complement and supplement each other … Continue reading Character Builders’ Sequential Programs